Col. Jessup and Machiavelli agree: sometimes, you need to stop moralizing and do what needs to be done for the sake of national self-preservation
Phillip DolitskyJuly 23, 2024
Lessons from the British Poet Rudyard Kipling warn of appeasement to aggressors, drawing on the lessons of history
Mike CotéJuly 22, 2024
The most essential political choice facing America today is between democracy and technocracy, and it is vital we choose the former.
Jeffery Tyler SyckSeptember 27, 2023
We must always foster a love that has a capacity for forgiveness with a vigilance to observe and enforce the law.
James RowellJuly 11, 2023
We can treat gender dysphoric persons with dignity and respect as American citizens without violating the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.
Robert MorrisonJune 21, 2023
Chesterton was conscious that to stand for eugenics or against it was to stand for evil or good in forms as absolute as can be found.
Thomas BanksJune 14, 2023
Nigel Biggar’s new book is a spirited, well-argued defense of British history against its popular progressive detractors.
Mike CotéJune 7, 2023
Tolkien and Lucas have tales of myth, but they have been so popular because their themes resonate so clearly with real life.
James RowellJune 2, 2023
With the lines between good and evil portrayed as ever blurrier, distinguishing heroes, villains, and anti-heroes is critical
Eric PattersonMay 11, 2023