
What Does America Owe its Citizens Abroad?

Pax Romana, Pax Britannica, Pax Americana: What does hegemon status mean for American citizens abroad?

Do Power Transitions Always Lead to War? Book Review of Kori Schake’s Safe Passage - They Can't Fight - US UK Special Relationship
Do Power Transitions Always Lead to War? Review of Schake’s Safe Passage

In Safe Passage, Kori Schake details how transitions in geopolitical power lead to violence, except when the United States slowly and peacefully took over the hegemonic role Great Britain played.

 ⏰ Sponsor a student for Christianity & National Security 2024

Providence's biggest event of the year takes place the final Thursday and Friday of each October, attracting close to 100 students and professors from around the country to spend two days hearing lectures and discussing the intersection of Christian ethics and foreign policy. For $300, Providence can afford to feed and house a student flying in from California, Texas, and other parts of the country for the conference. Christianity & National Security is unique; there is no other such event examining national security in light of Just War Theory and realist ethics in the Christian tradition. Please consider making a donation to allow us to continue hosting Christianity & National Security.

Christianity & National Security 2023

Sponsor a student