International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)

Why is the road to The Hague accessible to Armenia and Azerbaijan but not to Cyprus and Turkey? Tasoula Hadjitofi
Why is the road to The Hague accessible for Armenia-Azerbaijan but not for Cyprus-Turkey?

To my frustration, the 1899 Hague Conventions, the 1907 Hague Regulations, and the 1954 Convention have all been flouted in Turkish-occupied Famagusta and in other parts of Cyprus. Just as frustratingly, Turkey has tried to block the road to justice via The Hague.

What You Should Know About War Crimes
What You Should Know About War Crimes

During a hearing on Wednesday, judges upheld the war crimes conviction for Slobodan Praljak, an ex-commander of Bosnian Croat forces. Upon hearing the verdict, Praljak said he was not a criminal and then drank from a bottle containing poison. Here is what you should know about war crimes.