Jeffrey Goldberg

How the Bush Administration Failed: A Review of Robert Draper’s To Start a War
How the Bush Administration Failed: A Review of Robert Draper’s To Start a War

Robert Draper’s book To Start a War details why the Bush administration made a gravely mistaken decision, despite having clearly met the jus ad bellum criteria of “right intention.”

Rhodes to Ruin: Obama’s Foreign Policy Hatchet Man

Last week’s startling confession by White House operative Ben Rhodes—that the Obama administration lied to the American people about its dealings with Iran to secure a nuclear agreement—not only confirms the perception of a mendacious and arrogant presidency. It exposes a feverish and even delusional frame of mind: an uncompromising revulsion for war that has undermined American security and invited a cascade of extremism, violence, and human suffering.

Obama Doctrine Moral Courage
Moral Courage, Obama-Style

As the Obama White House sees it, much of the D.C. foreign policy “establishment” is “doing the bidding of their Arab and pro-Israel funders.” Translation: foreign policy experts who disagree with the president do not have the best interests of the United States in mind. This week some members of the so-called foreign policy establishment fired back.

Obama Doctrine Revised
Damned if you Do, Damned if you Don’t: Obama Doctrine Revised

Obama and Bush demonstrate the dangers of overly aggressive and overly passive foreign policies, but they share something in common: a deeply moral vision of America’s role in the world.

Obama Doctrine Jeffery Goldberg Atlantic
Journalist as Propagandist: Jeffrey Goldberg and the Obama Doctrine

Despite a posture of inquiry, Jeffrey Goldberg’s journalistic empathy dissolves into rank advocacy: journalism as echo chamber. Here is what access to ultimate political power can breed: something that rings false from beginning to end, something much closer to propaganda than truth-seeking.