Just Statecraft

Is Just Statecraft Useful for Statecraft?

The intellectual formation of statesmen should focus less on theory and more on practice

‘Just Statecraft’ Links Just War Theory to Grand Strategy

The new term ‘just statecraft’ is complementary to the broader Just War Theory framework by linking it to broader elements of national strategy

Just Statecraft and the Problem of “Peace”

The pursuit of Augustine’s idea of “tranquillitas ordinis” (tranquility of order) is the ultimate purpose of just war theory and just statecraft

Justice and Strategy in Just Statecraft

The term “just statecraft” is a novel but needed term that acknowledges the just war framework’s usefulness, not just for foreign policy but all areas of grand strategy

Just Statecraft: A Proposal

Introducing “just statecraft,” a new term designed to provoke discussion on the nature of responsible national leadership with reference to principles of just war and just peace

Moral vs. Immoral Resistance Part IV: The Dismal Ethics of Revolutionary Violence

Revolutionary violence is never ethically justified