
Rising Individualism, Declining Western Civilization

Tory MP Danny Kruger sketches a philosophy of history that laments the West’s lost sense of deep community without romanticizing the past

Freedom of Religion and the Christian Ethics of the Nation-State
Freedom of Religion and the Christian Ethics of the Nation-State

A socially responsible Christian ethic understands that the ordinance of the nation-state—even in a fallen world—calls for prophetic scrutiny in hopes that it would be brought back in alignment with civic and moral righteousness.

The Good Samaritan
Who Is Our Neighbor? Lessons from the Good Samaritan

Jesus’s command to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31) leads to the core question: who is my neighbor? Although he answers with a parable, Jesus surprisingly does not directly define the term but, rather, he demonstrates something greater. But drawing lessons from this parable today presents a challenge. The world is much bigger, the problems often larger, the potential danger much higher, opinions more varied, and the methods and means at our disposal far more vast. As the scenario is changed, how does the lesson in the parable influence what we do? What if the Samaritan showed up a few minutes earlier, while the robbery was occurring? What is the appropriate response then?