New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)

New START Extension Does Not Change Great Power Competition with Russia or China
New START Extension Does Not Change Great Power Competition with Russia or China

President Biden’s decision to fully extend the treaty without condition was mostly met with a figurative sigh of relief from arms control advocates and those who seek a world “free of nuclear weapons.” But Americans should be sober-minded about the real impact of the treaty, and not be lulled into believing New START, or any one treaty, will moderate US adversaries or better position the United States in our competition with either Russia or China.

What Christians Must Remember about Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control
What Christians Must Remember about Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control

Three decades after the Cold War’s end, do we still need a nuclear arsenal today? Edward Ifft thinks not and in Christianity Today urges his fellow Christians to believe likewise. Peter Feaver, William Inboden, and Michael Singh disagree.

The Bible is Not Enough: Evangelical Thinking about Nuclear Weapons is Confused
The Bible is Not Enough: Evangelical Thinking about Nuclear Weapons is Confused

What does the Bible teach us about nuclear weapons treaties? Nothing. That’s right. Nothing. If one scours their Bibles, they will find not one single passage that tells us what God thinks about nuclear non-proliferation treaties.