To understand why Biden’s strategy failed in Venezuela, it is clarifying to consider his similarly ineffective approach to Iran
Ethan GutmanAugust 20, 2024
Ignoring Israeli defense companies will come at a cost for France and European Countries, particularly during their fight against Russia.
Kennedy LeeJuly 16, 2024
The Biden Administration’s strategy of de-escalation at all costs has not been working against Iran and its proxies
Rebeccah HeinrichsMarch 4, 2024
America, as a maritime nation, has always needed a navy to protect our interests across the seas
Anthony PeeblerDecember 19, 2023
The Arctic is an increasingly crucial region for 21st century geopolitics, but America is trailing its rivals. Why does the Arctic matter, and how can we catch up?
Mike CotéJune 15, 2023
From Kabul to Kiev, from the South China Sea to the Persian Gulf, from space to cyberspace, the U.S.-led international…
Alan DowdJanuary 12, 2023
The fact that President Joe Biden chose South Korea as the first stop of his first Asian tour since his inauguration is significant. Washington and Seoul are seeking to upgrade their military alliance into a “comprehensive global strategic alliance.”
Jianli Yang & Xueli WangJune 16, 2022
After traveling through Europe in 1947—including to Scotland, Amsterdam, and Switzerland—Reinhold Niebuhr wrote some reflections, including on state churches, the Truman Doctrine, Christian political parties, and more.
Christianity & Crisis Magazine & Reinhold NiebuhrJune 2, 2022
In late winter and early spring 1947, Reinhold Niebuhr visited Europe and wrote short editorials for Christianity and Crisis as he traveled. In the following correspondences, the first coming from Scotland and the second coming from somewhere in the United Kingdom, he offers brief reflections on different current events.
Christianity & Crisis Magazine & Reinhold NiebuhrMarch 30, 2022