US Conference of Catholic Bishops

The Christian Faith and Immigration
The Christian Faith and Immigration

For the most part, church groups have been more interested in political advocacy than in seeking to illuminate how a biblical perspective might contribute to a more just immigration system.

Catholics in Israel Call for One-State Solution
Catholics in Israel Call for One-State Solution

The Ordinaries’ statement is extraordinary, and not primarily for its reorientation away from a two-state solution toward one state.

Show Last Resort the Exit - Just War Tradition
Show Last Resort the Exit

If we use last resort to prevent war in almost all circumstances because we see the use of force as evil, we do not preserve peace but instead allow injustices to go unchecked.

We Need a Just Wall Theory
We Need a Just Wall Theory

Since it seems reasonable to spend time at cafes, take public transportation, and go shopping without the constant threat of terrorist attacks, it also seems necessary to discern and articulate some principles of a “just wall theory.”

Bishops Call for Nuclear Elimination but Forget Need for Modernization and Maintenance
Bishops Call for Nuclear Elimination but Forget Need for Modernization and Maintenance

On July 6, 2017, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Conference of European Justice and Peace Commissions issued a joint declaration calling upon the international community to “map out a credible, verifiable, and enforceable strategy for the total elimination of nuclear weapons.”