
1968: A New Dawn

Review of Luke Nichter’s new book “The Year That Broke Politics: Collusion and Chaos in the Presidential Election of 1968”

Ke Huy Quan: Actor, Immigrant, American

Ke Huy Quan’s Academy Award acceptance speech exhibited some of the best features of America

Passing the Baton
Passing the Baton

As the generation that grew up in and saw the collapse of the USSR, Generation X is uniquely positioned to lead the US as it drifts into the second Cold War.

Thinking about the Afghan Crisis: Vietnam, Cuba, or Iran?
Thinking about the Afghan Crisis: Vietnam, Cuba, or Iran?

With the debacle unfolding in Afghanistan, what is the schema that political leaders have in mind?

Vietnamese Government Uses COVID-19 to Crack Down on Christians
Vietnamese Government Uses COVID-19 to Crack Down on Christians

Recent coronavirus outbreaks have led Vietnam to impose harsher restrictions to protect the health of citizens. But COVID-19 has also enabled the socialist government to ramp up its persecution of Christians.

America’s Afghanistan Withdrawal: The Rhymes and Lessons of History
America’s Afghanistan Withdrawal: The Rhymes and Lessons of History

History may not repeat itself, as Mark Twain is credited with saying, but it does indeed rhyme sometimes. Sadly, the American people and their leaders are not interested in the rhymes or lessons of history.

How One Man Reduced Global Suffering: A Review of Robert D. Kaplan’s The Good American: The Epic Life of Bob Gersony, the U.S. Government's Greatest Humanitarian
How One Man Reduced Global Suffering: A Review of Robert D. Kaplan’s The Good American

“The Good American” is the story of how Robert Gersony, a high school dropout, affected governmental actions to reduce human misery and advance human rights. Because of his success in promoting humanitarian values, Kaplan calls him the US government’s “greatest humanitarian.”

The World Finally Sees Xi’s China as It Is
The World Finally Sees Xi’s China as It Is

After years of wishful thinking, America and its allies in the Indo-Pacific are returning, finally, to what President Franklin Roosevelt called “armed defense of democratic existence.” Given Beijing’s actions both at home and abroad, one wonders what took them so long.

Missed Opportunities for Religious Freedom in the Time of Corona - Coronavirus COVID-19
Missed Opportunities for Religious Freedom in the Time of Corona

As COVID-19 spreads globally, religious minorities are now more exposed and vulnerable.