The Peace Negotiations Between Claudius Civilis and the Roman Captain Cerealis by Otto van Veen, 1600-1613
Shield & Sword: The Case for Military Deterrence

Some lament the fact that we live in such a violent world, but that’s precisely the point. Because we live in a violent world, governments must take steps to deter those who can be deterred—and neutralize those who cannot.

European Project
End of the European Project?

Two years after the Ukrainian revolution that eventually ousted its thuggish president, enthusiasm for the European project has reached a new low.

Colombo Port, by Jgmorard via Flickr
How My Mind has Changed on Trade

Gideon Strauss explains how Joe Studwell’s How Asia Works has changed his mind on how developing countries should shape trade policies.

Christian Realism
Christian Realism & U.S. Foreign Policy

Reinhold Niebuhr exposed the assumptions of progressive Christianity and helped create the political theology of “Christian realism”, which sought a more biblical view of how the Christian citizen can live responsibly within a civilization in crisis.

Lockerbie, Libya & Bloody Human History

A Libyan bomb blew up New York-bound Pan Am Flight 103 out of the sky over Lockerbie, Scotland 27 years…

Adoration of the Child

Gerrit Van Honthorst (c. 1620)

Christmastime in China
Weeping and Great Mourning: Christmastime in China

It’s Christmastime in the People’s Republic of China, and Beijing continues its crackdown on people of faith, especially Christians.

Putin, Trump & Anglo-American Democracy

Recently Donald Trump ignited controversy by responding to praise from Vladmir Putin with his own praise for the strength of…

Pray for Russia, Too

For Christian citizens, prayer should be the first reflex whenever tragedies occur, whether they occur in a country that is seen as a friend – like France- or in a country that is seen as an antagonist – like Russia.