Russian Roulette Book Review
Peacemaking Espionage

Milton’s Russian Roulette tells the captivating history of how British spies prevented the Bolsheviks from spreading revolution.

Assessing the Damage Done after Brexit Vote
Assessing the Damage Done after Brexit Vote

As anyone who has glanced at the news or stock market knows, Britain has voted for Brexit. Here’s a look at some consequences and next steps.

Brexit and Pursuing Sovereignty over Regulations
Brexit & Pursuing Sovereignty over Regulations

If Britain does vote to leave, a driving factor would be a desire to reassert London’s sovereignty, instead of allowing the EU to dictate policies or regulations. Yet there is a risk that the UK would exchange real sovereignty for an imaginary kind.

Soft Power
Soft Power at the Ukrainian Embassy

Whether intentional or not, the Ukrainian embassy’s open house was a clever play at soft power, specifically through attraction.

Eurovision Soft Power Lesson
Eurovision’s Soft Power Lesson

Jamala’s victory at Eurovision, a popular singing competition most Americans have never heard of, offers lessons in soft power.

Superforecasting Book Review
What Does the Fox Think?

In Superforecasting, Tetlock and Gardner argue convincingly that studying how superforecasters think can help other analysts improve their forecasts.

Kurdistan Peshmerga
Ministers Say Kurdistan Struggling to Pay Peshmerga

The KRG’s Karim Sinjari insists few Peshmerga fighters have deserted but warns there may be more desertions if Kurdistan cannot pay them.

Reaganov Russia Besieged Russia Post Putin
Besieged or Reaganov Russia: Forecasting a Post-Putin World

Gaddy and O’Hanlon from Brookings argue that a Reaganov Russia or Besieged Russia are the most likely scenarios after Putin leaves power, but telling the difference between the two would be difficult for foreign observers.

U.S. Bases in Europe Trump
Trump’s Misanalysis of U.S. Bases in Europe

Many have rightly said Europe should have a more effective military force. However, Trump wrongly implies that bases in Germany do not serve any national interests, and he may even be wrong to imply that America has troops in Germany primarily to defend Europe.

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