Javanese voters linked to Nahdlatul Ulama will be the key swing demographic group in Indonesia’s elections moving forward. This is a mixed blessing in terms of religious freedom.
A.J. NolteApril 25, 2019
The 2019 Israeli election results look like the status quo, but several shifts on both the Israeli left and right could indicate changes in the country’s political landscape.
A.J. NolteApril 12, 2019
American Christians often look at Israel through lenses such as Christian theology, the US-Israel relationship, or our own American left-right dynamic. But for the upcoming general election Israel is holding on April 9, none of these lenses are actually all that helpful.
A.J. NolteApril 3, 2019
What should Christians think of globalism and nationalism?
A.J. NolteDecember 6, 2018
One of the most peculiar moments in the run-up to the 2018 midterms was a trial balloon, floated by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, to remove birthright citizenship from the children of illegal immigrants via executive order. This is not the first time in recent memory the issue of birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants has come up.
A.J. NolteNovember 9, 2018
The current controversy over admitting Syrian refugees into the country raises some very challenging questions for Evangelical Christians.
A.J. NolteNovember 21, 2015