Anne R. Pierce is an author of books and articles on American foreign policy, American presidents, and American society. Twitter @AnneRPierce
With crimes against humanity now on NATO’s doorstep, Westerners are focusing on human rights with concern and alarm not seen since the Cold War. As we do, we must admit that the West’s post-Cold War precepts and priorities downplayed human dignity and human suffering.
Anne R. PierceMay 6, 2022
As we assess Trump’s early foreign policy moves and first international tour, it helps to look back upon Obama’s. Here, then, are passages from A Perilous Path.
Anne R. PierceJune 5, 2017
It is past time to take North Korean crimes against humanity and the North Korean military threat very seriously.
Anne R. PierceApril 24, 2017
Let us hope President Trump will not follow the pattern of President Obama by overreacting to the Iraq War, while overlooking our best American foreign policy traditions.
Anne R. PierceNovember 10, 2016
Barack Obama makes the final appearance of his presidency today before the UN General Assembly. As we evaluate this address, consider this assessment of his September 2009 UN speech.
Anne R. PierceSeptember 20, 2016
The Obama administration is making some adjustments to its foreign policy approach, but not enough to deal with the challenges we face.
Anne R. PierceJune 21, 2016