Jimmy R. Lewis

Jimmy R. Lewis holds a BS in religion as well as an MA in philosophy from Liberty University. He is an alumnus of the Philos Leadership Institute and Constitutional Fellows Program as well.

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Combatting Anti-Semitism after the Israel-Hamas Conflict
Combatting Anti-Semitism after the Israel-Hamas Conflict

A substantial uptick in anti-Semitic rhetoric and attacks has occurred from Los Angeles to New York, and abroad in London and elsewhere.

The State of Religious Liberty in the World Today
The State of Religious Liberty in the World Today

Although religious liberty is stronger today than it often was in the past, there is still much progress to be made.

Appreciating the Age of Exceptional Religious Freedom
Appreciating the Age of Exceptional Religious Freedom

Our religious freedom is one of these modern privileges that previous generations would have envied. Reviewing religious persecution in the past can help Christians appreciate the freedoms they have now.

Christians Must Not Be Silent on China’s Human Rights Abuses
Christians Must Not Be Silent on China’s Human Rights Abuses

In the past few years, global awareness of China’s current human rights violations has grown exponentially, but the United Nations and many world leaders have made little to no response. Frankly, most people around the world, including Christians, have been silent on the issue of China’s human rights violations.

Have American Wars Been Just? Review of Mark Hall and J. Daryl Charles’ America and the Just War Tradition
Have American Wars Been Just? Review of Mark Hall and J. Daryl Charles’ America and the Just War Tradition

Whether one is a historian who hopes to learn more about America’s conflicts, a philosopher who works in ethics or political philosophy, or a soldier or veteran who enjoys military history, America and the Just War Tradition addresses each of these topics and audiences from a variety of authors in a range of disciplines.

Meng Hongwei’s Arrest Shows China Values Economic Progress over Human Rights

China recently arrested Meng Hongwei, who was president of Interpol when the organization revoked a red notice for a human rights activist for the Uighurs.

The Debt Christian Foreign Policy Owes Thomas Aquinas
The Debt Christian Foreign Policy Owes Thomas Aquinas

St. Thomas Aquinas’ ideas about just war still affect how Americans feel about wars, including World War II and the Persian Gulf War.

A Small Leap Forward: Religious Persecution and Terrorism in China
A Small Leap Forward: Religious Persecution and Terrorism in China

Around one million Chinese Muslims have been detained in “education camps.”