Lela Gilbert

Lela Gilbert is a senior fellow for International Religious Freedom at Family Research Council and a fellow at the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom. Follow her on Facebook and on Twitter @lelagilbert.

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Nigeria’s Christians Face Increasing Violence Day after Day
Nigeria’s Christians Face Increasing Violence Day after Day

In Nigeria—Africa’s most populous country—violence and bloodshed continue to surge, week after week, month after month. Tragically, our Christian brothers and sisters are the primary targets of Islamist terrorism—murders, rapes, kidnapping, and never-ending threats of more.

A Shocking Reversal: The US Officially Turns a Blind Eye to Nigeria’s Endangered Christians - Country of Particular Concern - Religious Freedom
A Shocking Reversal: The US Officially Turns a Blind Eye to Nigeria’s Endangered Christians

The US has inexplicably removed Nigeria from its State Department list of Countries of Particular Concern (CPC). To some, that may sound like innocuous paperwork or an ambassadorial feel-good gesture. But, in fact, this de-listing of Nigeria’s CPC designation is an outrageous betrayal of an already brutalized Christian community.

A Close Look at Egypt’s Relentless Abuse of Coptic Christians
A Close Look at Egypt’s Relentless Abuse of Coptic Christians

For those of us who have followed the struggle of Egypt’s Coptic Christians, particularly during the presidency of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al Sisi, there’s been both good news and bad news.

Multiple Beheadings in Mozambique: Is the World Indifferent?
Multiple Beheadings in Mozambique: Is the World Indifferent?

On November 10, Al Jazeera posted a breathtaking headline: “ISIS-linked attackers behead 50 people in northern Mozambique.” The subhead was equally horrifying: “Witnesses say the assailants herded victims onto a football pitch in the village of Muatide where the killings were carried out.”

Light and Life for Christians in the Midst of Iran’s Darkness
Light and Life for Christians in the Midst of Iran’s Darkness

The bold and brave witness of untold numbers of new Christians in Iran is beginning to illuminate the Middle East and beyond. Their light shines brightly in the shadows of today’s increasingly troubled world.

Is the World Ignoring a Christian Genocide in Nigeria?
Is the World Ignoring a Christian Genocide in Nigeria?

At this moment, another genocide against Christians is silently unfolding in Nigeria.

Dark Days for India’s Christian Communities - Narendra Modi
Dark Days for India’s Christian Communities

Prime Minister Modi’s apparent disdain for human rights and religious freedom is casting dark and ominous shadows across India’s otherwise promising future.

Lela Gilbert joins Drew Griffin to discuss the latest reports of global antisemitism.
ProvCast Ep. 35: The Global Rise of Antisemitism — A Conversation with Lela Gilbert

Writer and author Lela Gilbert joins Drew Griffin to discuss the latest reports of global Anti-Semitism.

In Response: Love, War, & Honey Traps
In Response: Love, War, and Honey Traps

Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba—all strong-willed women with clever minds, courageous hearts, and, not incidentally, pleasing forms—are listed in the genealogy of Jesus. Those four women, along with Queen Esther, were not only heroic and notable for their cleverness and courage. They were also involved in somewhat risqué escapades. In our day, they would be thought of as women with a past.

Protesting AIPAC Pernicious Influence Philip Giraldi American Conservative
Protesting AIPAC’s “Pernicious Influence”

American Conservative has published a denouncement of the world’s largest pro-Israel lobby, penned by ex-CIA officer Philip Giraldi and titled “Should AIPAC Register as a Foreign Agent?”