Paul D. Miller

Paul D. Miller is a professor in the practice of international affairs at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, a contributing editor of Providence, a research fellow with the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, and a senior fellow with the Atlantic Council.

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Paul Miller Christianity & National Security 2023

Paul Miller’s lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023. Paul Miller discusses Afghanistan, Christian realism, and secular realism. The following…

Two Cheers for McNerney’s Just War Resolution

American thinking has often been shaped by Just War Theory, if implicitly. Last year, Congressman Jerry McNerney (D-CA) introduced HR 1009 that clarifies and makes explicit the American commitment to the just war tradition. 

Pope Francis on Just War and Ukraine

Does the Catholic Church still believe in the doctrine of just war? Last week, Pope Francis told Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church, “At one time we also spoke in our churches of holy war or just war. Today we cannot speak like that.”

Israel vs. Hamas: A Just War Analysis - Palestine
Israel vs. Hamas: A Just War Analysis

Just war should aim at a better peace. It is unclear how a Palestinian war against Israel would do that in Palestine, Israel, or the region.

Trump vs. the United States - US Capitol Riot
Trump vs. the United States

The lines have indeed been drawn, and I welcome you to join me in choosing the side of the Constitution, the rule of law, and the ideals of American democracy.

Stop Volunteering to Do the Awful Arithmetic for COVID-19
Stop Volunteering to Do the Awful Arithmetic for COVID-19

Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic in which the United States must seemingly make the frightful choice between saving lives and saving the economy, we inexplicably have a legion of volunteer mathematicians lining up to show off how well they can make the terrible calculations to decide who lives and who dies.

The Battle for the History of the Afghan War
The Battle for the History of the Afghan War

Much of Carter Malkesian’s narrative about the Afghan war is spot-on, but he gets several key events wrong.

Nationalist America Creedal Tribal
America: Creedal or Tribal?

Nationalists believe that humanity is divided into mutually distinct, internally coherent groups defined by shared traits like language, religion, or culture, and that these groups should each have their own governments. There is an alternative.

Seeking Justice in the Middle East Grand Strategy
Seeking Justice in the Middle East

Assassinating Iranian Major General Qaseem Soleimani was a justified act. But it took place within the context of a largely unjust and strategically indefensible grand strategy, so it is unlikely to be a net positive in the long run.

Is Liberal Neutrality Possible?

I am grateful that the post-liberal, nationalist right has grown more explicit about its antipathy to core tenets of classical…