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Bearing the Burden

With the Middle East on fire, Europe on edge, Russia on the march, and China on the rise, America’s interlocking system of alliances is more important now than at any time since the beginning of the Cold War.

China and the Law of Unintended Consequences One-Child Policy
China and the Law of Unintended Consequences

China plans to introduce rewards for parents to have a second child, after ending the one-child policy in 2015. Someone in Beijing must have realized industrial-scale social engineering has enormous unintended consequences.

In General Terms Donald Trump James Mattis
In General Terms

Trump’s decision to turn to, and lean on, generals is nothing new. Americans have been doing that since the founding of the country.

Chaos Theory: Trouble with Trump’s Foreign Policy
Chaos Theory: Trouble with Trump’s Foreign Policy

Trump appeared to revel in chaos on the campaign trail, but chaos theory does not hold when it comes to foreign policy. Consider some of the consequences—and these are the shortest of short-term consequences—of Trump’s early foreign policy decisions and pronouncements.

Politics, Motives and Prisoners Obama Guantanamo
Politics, Motives and Prisoners

I believe Obama’s motives in trying to close Gitmo were to improve America’s image abroad. It’s sad that, even after eight years in office, he never gave those who opposed the closure of Gitmo the same benefit of the doubt.

Shrunken Shadows and Broken Oaths Bradley Chelsea Manning Assange WikiLeaks
Shrunken Shadows and Broken Oaths

Some things need to be classified. And it’s not Bradley Manning’s or Julian Assange’s or Edward Snowden’s responsibility or right to determine what to declassify. That’s a job for Congress.

The Role of Faith in Foreign Policy Christians Carry a Special Responsibility
The Role of Faith in Foreign Policy

Foreign policy is not off-limits to Christians, and our faith should inform our views on foreign policy.

Indicted by His Own Words Obama Foreign Policy Syria Aleppo
Indicted by His Own Words

President Obama’s foreign policy would have been more understandable if he had never pretended to care, if he hadn’t talked like Vaclav Havel and then acted like Henry Kissinger.

A Return to Fortress America?
A Return to Fortress America?

As history reminds us, the security payoffs of a “Fortress America” approach are ephemeral and fleeting. Both the national interest and international security suffer when America turns inward.

Moral Hazard: Drones & the Risks of Risk-Free War
Moral Hazard: Drones & the Risks of Risk-Free War

The promise of risk-free war offered by unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) obscures the dangers of waging war by remote control. The challenge for the American people is to make sure Washington employs this new technology in a way that conforms to America’s values.