American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)

Jamaal Bowman’s Loss Shows Limitations of “The Squad” Progressivism

Jamaal Bowman’s Democratic primary loss illustrates the electoral limitations of far-left politics in America

Providence Perspectives on Pompeo, Evangelicals, and Their Love of Israel

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s recent comments regarding Donald Trump, his election, and his administration’s stance toward Israel have spawned a range of reactions. To this recent episode, we sought two contrasting perspectives to clarify Pompeo’s comments and illuminate the implications of the variety of evangelical positions on Israel and the Jewish people.

Israel-Lebanon War Will Only Help Hezbollah
Israel-Lebanon War Would Only Help Hezbollah

If war occurs between Israel and Lebanon, the embattled Christians of Lebanon will suffer in what would be yet another front of Iran’s quest for regional control.

Protesting AIPAC Pernicious Influence Philip Giraldi American Conservative
Protesting AIPAC’s “Pernicious Influence”

American Conservative has published a denouncement of the world’s largest pro-Israel lobby, penned by ex-CIA officer Philip Giraldi and titled “Should AIPAC Register as a Foreign Agent?”