Byzantine Empire

Stephen Wolfe’s Case for a Protestant Byzantium

Stephen Wolfe’s book, while provocative and worth reading, fails to consider the good reasons for Abraham Kuyper’s neo-Calvinist political theology

The Tenacity of Armenians in the Holy Land

The Byzantine emperor, crusaders and Armenian nobility were statesmen, not theologians: their geopolitical situations guided their decision-making more than theological considerations.

Avarayr: A Short History of Armenia’s Great Battle
Avarayr: A Short History of Armenia’s Great Battle

While a minor event in the annals of Iran, the Battle of Avarayr continues to be one of the most defining episodes in Armenian history.

The Untold Story of Syrian Kurdish Christians

The story of Kurdish Christians and all other religious minorities in the Middle East is one of great suffering, but it is also a story of survival and great resilience. Fortunately, there is time to save northeast Syria as a refuge for these communities, but only if the international community offers immediate support.

Turkey’s Long Persecution Against Pontian Christians
Turkey’s Long Persecution Against Pontian Christians

Ninety-five years have passed since the Pontian Genocide, but the Turkish government continues to erase the few remaining Christian religious and cultural artifacts in the region.

Religion in Russian Geopolitical Strategy
Religion in Russian Geopolitical Strategy

As daunting as it may be, closing the God gap is a necessary step to improving communication with Russia and other important actors in international affairs.

Turkey jails activist couple of Armenian origin for social media posts Cemil Aksu - Nurcan Vayiç Aksu
Turkey jails activist couple of Armenian origin for social media posts

The international human rights community should protest the arbitrary imprisonment of the Aksu couple rigorously since they are descendants of a people who have been historically persecuted, violated, and subject to genocide.

Forgotten Christian History in Turkey: Review of Byzantium’s Other Empire: Trebizond
Forgotten Christian History in Turkey: Review of Byzantium’s Other Empire: Trebizond

While Turkey’s government turns former churches like Hagia Sophia Trebizond into mosques, Byzantium’s Other Empire: Trebizond helps preserve the past rather than obliterate it.