Donald Trump

Revoking Birthright Citizenship: A Trial Balloon or Terrible Idea?

One of the most peculiar moments in the run-up to the 2018 midterms was a trial balloon, floated by President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, to remove birthright citizenship from the children of illegal immigrants via executive order. This is not the first time in recent memory the issue of birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants has come up.

To Whom Much Is Given: Making a Case for Foreign Aid
To Whom Much Is Given: Making a Case for Foreign Aid

Recent passage of the BUILD Act, which aims to “facilitate market-based private sector development and inclusive economic growth in less developed countries,” presents an ideal opportunity to discuss the thorny issue of foreign aid.

Trump Foreign Policy: Almost as Bad as I Feared
Paul Miller on Trump and the Fearful Decline of the International Order

We were mostly right about his hateful rhetoric, fundamental dishonesty, trade wars, admiration for foreign dictators, and wild inconsistency. But we overestimated Trump’s competence and work ethic. His ability to bring material harm to the United States has been limited by how little he works and how little he knows about the presidency.

US-Central America Relations: Using Aid as a Foreign Policy Tool Will Backfire
US-Central America Relations: Using Aid as a Foreign Policy Tool Will Backfire

President Trump has threatened to cut financial aid to Honduras and the other Central American nations where migrants originate. This is a bad idea that will backfire.

Why Conservative Christians Should Care More about Refugee Protection
Why Conservative Christians Should Care More about Refugee Protection

During the two first years of the Trump administration, the number of Christian refugees resettled in the US has dropped by more than 40 percent.

Decisive, Disruptive, and Overdue: The Trump Foreign Policy
Decisive, Disruptive, and Overdue: The Trump Foreign Policy

The Trump foreign policy is like the administration’s domestic policy: a little irreverent, ambitious, and completely impervious to experts’ warnings.

Donald Trump’s Christian Foreign Policy
Donald Trump’s Christian Foreign Policy

Instead of debating President Trump’s character, we should ask which is more Christian: the experiment with globalism that seems now to have faltered, or the somber return to nations that seeks, modestly yet earnestly, to fortify transnational alliances where they are possible, but reject them where they are not.

Don’t Call it a Reset: What the Release of Pastor Brunson Means for U.S.-Turkey Relations

Pastor Brunson is free, but many others are not. The U.S. should not push Turkey away, but continue the hard work of diplomatic engagement around core human rights issues. It should also continue to engage broad range of challenges these partner countries are facing in the region. 

The Possibility of US Intervention in Venezuela
The Possibility of US Intervention in Venezuela

President Trump has said the “military option” is available for Venezuela, and that “all options are on the table.” At the same time, he has said that he is willing to meet with President Maduro.