Igor Sabino

Igor Sabino is a PhD candidate in political science at the Federal University of Pernambuco in Brazil. He holds a BA and an MA in international relations from the State University of Paraíba in Brazil and is an alumnus of the Philos Project Leadership Institue. His current research is focused on US foreign policy and religion. You can follow him on Twitter here: @igorhsabino.

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The Mixed Blessing of Brazilian President, Lula, in the Middle East

Brazil’s leftist president, Lula, spells better news for Israel.

Russian Invasion of Ukraine Reveals Incoherence of Jair Bolsonaro’s Foreign Policy
Russian Invasion of Ukraine Reveals Incoherence of Jair Bolsonaro’s Foreign Policy

This week Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro spoke about neutrality but clearly sided with Vladimir Putin by repeating Russian propaganda.

Brazil In The World Under Jair Bolsonaro (Igor Sabino)
Foreign Policy ProvCast: Ep. 71 | Brazil in the World under Jair Bolsonaro

In this episode, Igor Sabino talks about the political situation in Brazil, that country’s role in global affairs, what Brazil may do in a US-China rivalry, an what to expect from next year’s election.

The Capitol Hill Invasion and International Religious Freedom
The Capitol Hill Invasion and International Religious Freedom

This perception in Latin America and elsewhere is very troubling and should worry American conservative Christians who care about international religious freedom.

COVID-19 and the Need for Balancing Power: A Perspective from Brazil - Donald Trump Jair Bolsonaro China
COVID-19 and the Need for Balancing Power: A Perspective from Brazil

The COVID-19 pandemic illustrates interesting dynamics of the current international order, including how countries like Brazil are stuck with an aggressive China and an absent America.

Aladdin and the Future of Middle Eastern Christians
Aladdin and the Future of Middle Eastern Christians

May Aladdin remind international society, and especially Christians, about their responsibility in the fight for a more plural and diverse Middle East.

The Improving Relations between Brazil and Israel and Its Impact on US Foreign Policy
The Improving Relations between Brazil and Israel and Its Impact on US Foreign Policy

On March 31, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro initiated a four-day official visit to Israel. The trip consolidates the improvement of relations between the two countries.

Why Conservative Christians Should Care More about Refugee Protection
Why Conservative Christians Should Care More about Refugee Protection

During the two first years of the Trump administration, the number of Christian refugees resettled in the US has dropped by more than 40 percent.

Iraqi Christians: The Forgotten Refugees
Iraqi Christians: The Forgotten Refugees

We as Christians are called to remember that “if one member suffers, all suffer together,” so we cannot forget these Iraqi Christian refugees.