
America Must Not Alienate India and Japan as Conservative Democracies

As competition with China intensifies, the US cannot afford to alienate Japan and India as nations with a strong sense of national identity

Political Parties, Hubris & Providence

Electoral defeat, in a healthy society, is not an existential crisis, but a providential time for recalibration

Forced Conversions of Christians in India 

A disturbing trend of forced or coerced conversions of Christians to Hinduism is emerging in India

Niebuhr and Gandhi: Comparative Religious Realism

Ghandi and Niebuhr both believed in the power of religion to shape societies and history

Iran and BRICS: Can the Outlier be Tamed?

BRICS is adding many new members, including Iran; what will that mean for the Islamic Regime?

India at 76 Years: What Was Gandhi’s National Vision?

What was the vision Gandhi had for a post-British India?

Radicalization of Modi’s India is National Interest Concern

The United States’ values must be our lodestar in foreign policy, including with India

A Moral Assessment of the British Empire: It’s Complicated

Was the British Empire, all things considered, as evil as some say?

The Man Who Met Gandhi and Hitler

What did a man who encountered both Gandhi and Hitler have to say about the prospects of non-violence?