International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

The Morality of America’s Iran Policy and the JCPOA
The Morality of America’s Iran Policy and the JCPOA

By focusing on the obvious and immediate moral consequences of the JCPOA versus Trump’s “maximum pressure” approach, though hawkish, the latter of the two appears to have a distinct advantage when assessing overall regional well-being.

Pushover or Push Beyond? Rebeccah Heinrichs on the US Withdrawal from Iran Deal
Pushover or Push Beyond? Rebeccah Heinrichs on the US Withdrawal from Iran Deal

Three years after Obama finalized the Iran deal, President Trump withdrew the US, and today Secretary of State Mike Pompeo laid out a new and very ambitious path forward.

Good Riddance to a Bad Iran Deal
The Return to Reason: A Defense of Trump’s Iran Decision

The core problem with the Iran deal is not in its details, but rather in the nature of Iran.

What to Expect from the Inter-Korean Summit
What to Expect from the Inter-Korean Summit

The US and South Korea should have contingencies ready in case negotiations with North Korea don’t go as planned.

Missile Defense: Insurance Against Mistakes, Miscalculation, and Madmen
Missile Defense: Insurance Against Mistakes, Miscalculation, and Madmen

As the number of missile-wielding states grows and as the nuclear club expands, the likelihood of a missile being unleashed against the American people or their allies—whether by mistake, miscalculation, or a madman—also grows. Missile defense doesn’t eliminate the danger, but it does give us a fighting chance to confront it.