International Religious Freedom Summit 2021

Lift US Sanctions on the Autonomous Administration for North and East Syria?
Lift US Sanctions on the Autonomous Administration for North and East Syria?

The Autonomous Administration for North and East Syria (AANES) is seeking international recognition as a legitimate government, but currently it is campaigning the US to lift sanctions on its territory.

Vietnamese Government Uses COVID-19 to Crack Down on Christians
Vietnamese Government Uses COVID-19 to Crack Down on Christians

Recent coronavirus outbreaks have led Vietnam to impose harsher restrictions to protect the health of citizens. But COVID-19 has also enabled the socialist government to ramp up its persecution of Christians.

The Biden Administration Can Capitalize on the International Religious Freedom Summit
The Biden Administration Can Capitalize on the International Religious Freedom Summit

In today’s hyperpolarized environment, Beltway commentators and even think-tank scholars seem unable to resist the temptation to put a partisan twist on the most nonpartisan of causes. While some voices have attempted to politicize the issue of international religious freedom (IRF), the cause itself continues to attract wide bipartisan support.