Jeff Sessions

An Incomplete Guide for Christian Political Engagement: Review of Eugene Cho’s Thou Shalt Not Be a Jerk

Eugene Cho’s “Thou Shalt Not Be A Jerk” has major shortcomings as an introduction to political engagement, even as it has significant contributions to make in coaxing believers to be more self-reflective about whether they are more loyal to their chosen political party than God’s Word.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions
Between God and Jeff Sessions: A Rightly Ordered Response

The choice is not between open borders or Birkenau. The choice which lies before us is whether or not we will make a government which reflects the divine justice for which government exists. 

Migration, Security, and the Witness of the Church
Migration, Security, and the Witness of the Church

Christians in the midst of the reality of global migration have both a responsibility and an opportunity.

The Great Good of Order: A Partial Defense of Jeff Sessions
The Great Good of Order: A Partial Defense of Jeff Sessions

Most Christians, including most evangelicals, have been falling over themselves to denounce Jeff Sessions. But the way this immigration debate is carried out too often mirrors the political debate.

What You Should Know About MS-13
What You Should Know About MS-13

Attorney General Jeff Sessions named the international gang MS-13 as a national priority for federal organized crime task forces. Here is what you should know about the group that has been called the “world’s most dangerous gang.”