
Constitutional Crisis in the Holy Land

Israel’s democracy is threatened from without by Hamas and within by its lack of a constitution.

The Tenacity of Armenians in the Holy Land

The Byzantine emperor, crusaders and Armenian nobility were statesmen, not theologians: their geopolitical situations guided their decision-making more than theological considerations.

Israel’s April 9 Elections: A Guide for the Perplexed
Israel’s April 9 Elections: A Guide for the Perplexed

American Christians often look at Israel through lenses such as Christian theology, the US-Israel relationship, or our own American left-right dynamic. But for the upcoming general election Israel is holding on April 9, none of these lenses are actually all that helpful.

Promise and Pluralism in Israel’s Nation-State Law
Promise and Pluralism in Israel’s Nation-State Law

The international community already decided almost 100 years ago that Israel can be the national home for the Jewish people while respecting non-Jews civil rights.

Living Together: Jews, Christians, and the Nation-State Law

There is a need to scrutinize and criticize the new nation-state law, but it is unfortunate that several aspects of the Latin Patriarchate’s statement are simply unproductive and even inflammatory.