
Resuscitating Old Fashioned Social Liberalism 

For the last several years liberalism has seemed at risk of being added to the endangered ideologies list, perhaps soon…

Economists as the High Priests of Liberalism

We have to be far, far more critical of which measurements we can take as proxies for a healthy nation. Economists can’t make these distinctions and libertarians don’t want to.

ALEXANDER DUGIN: Critique, Confrontation, and Chrysalis

Alexander Dugin is a serious scholar, a genuine intellectual, and a provocative social scientist who may be not unworthily pronounced the most formidable theoretical opponent of Western liberalism since Lenin.

Edmund Burke: Anglican Theologian

Burke is a defender of the institutions of Christian civilization. Understanding this liberates us from the need to defend failing institutions simply because those institutions happen to exist.

Corrymeela, Northern Ireland: a Christian Outpost in a Nation at War with Itself (Part Two)

Corrymeela’s community believes no one can unwind every evil of the past, so each person can only decide how he will live with others in the present.

Carl F.H. Henry and Communism: The Failure of Liberal Protestantism and the Opportunity for Evangelical Public Theology

Rediscovered Notes on the 75th Anniversary of The Uneasy Conscience Reveal Convictions of Carl Henry.

The Principles of American Liberalism

A Patriotic Review of The Religion of American Greatness: What’s Wrong with Christian Nationalism, InterVarsity Press, 2022.

Franklin Roosevelt and the Heart of Liberalism

Though the government cannot make us virtuous, our leaders can challenge us to be better than we often are.  

An Aquinas Americans Can Reason With

Thomism and liberalism are not hopeless enemies: a review of The Christian Structure of Politics: On the De Regno of Thomas Aquinas