Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK)

Moral vs. Immoral Resistance Part I: Martin Luther King, Jr. and Non-Violent Direct Action

Part I of Eric Patterson’s four part series on the Just War Tradition

On Freedom: From Saint Paul to Luther to Lincoln

What has freedom meant across the ages?

Are Reparations the Remedy?

There are several reasons reparations may not solve America’s problems

The Man Who Met Gandhi and Hitler

What did a man who encountered both Gandhi and Hitler have to say about the prospects of non-violence? 

The Principles of American Liberalism

A Patriotic Review of The Religion of American Greatness: What’s Wrong with Christian Nationalism, InterVarsity Press, 2022.

A Christian Exhortation to American Citizens

Richard Mouw is an American, and he loves his country the most, according to his newly released How to be a Patriotic Christian: Love of Country as Love of Neighbor.

The Book that Made America: A Review John R. Vile’s The Bible in American Law and Politics
The Book that Made America: A Review John R. Vile’s The Bible in American Law and Politics

The Bible in American Law and Politics: A Reference Guide, by John R. Vile, is a welcomed resource for surveying and exploring the Bible’s contributions to American political and legal cultures.

Mobs and Monuments: Distinguishing between the United States and Confederate States
Mobs and Monuments: Distinguishing between the United States and Confederate States

King recognized that for nations, as for individuals, the measure of goodness is not perfection, but rather direction. America was born headed in the right direction—and continues to build a “more perfect union” dreamed up by imperfect men.

The “Good Old Days”: Comparing 1968 and 2020

Our world is broken and bending toward chaos, as it was in 1968, as it has been since the Fall, as it will be until Christ returns to make all things new.

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