
Islam Christianity End of Palestine
Islam, Christianity, & the End of Palestine

Twenty-three years ago today, Israeli Prime Minister Rabin and PLO negotiator Abbas agreed to the Oslo Accords.

Hidden Danger Just War Thinking
The Hidden Dangers of Just War Thinking

As a broad set of ethical principles, the just war outlook is vital to civilized society. However, errors come—and they can be dangerous ones—when proponents of just war take their categories too narrowly and apply their axioms without historical context.

Memorandum of Understanding
A New Covenant: The Case for Renewing and Improving the Memorandum of Understanding with Israel

Despite an adamantly proclaimed right to self-defense and a proven ability to carry it out during historic conflicts like the Six-Day and Yom-Kippur Wars, the tensions in and around Israel have only seemed to worsen. Cooperation with our Judeo-Christian cousin is more crucial now than ever.

Bush-Congress Letter
Time to Revive the 2004 Bush-Congress Letter to Israel

Obama’s decision to reject the Bush-Congress letter soured U.S.-Israel relations. From the Israeli perspective, it was a betrayal. But it was also a setback to the cause of peace.

Bethlehem Church Palestinian Christians
Why are Palestinian Christians Fleeing?

Why is the Muslim sector of Bethlehem growing while the Christian sector is falling? Both face the same exact set of circumstances. Could it be that this disparity tells the true story?