Patriarch Kirill

The Religious Sources of Russian Conduct
The Religious Sources of Russian Conduct

To better grasp Russian conduct, past and present, we would do well to understand its religious sources in Orthodox Christianity.

“Be Joyful, the Shield and Protection of our Fatherland”: Russian Nuclear Orthodoxy in the Age of St. Seraphim - Book Review Dmitry Adamsky
“Be Joyful, the Shield and Protection of our Fatherland”: Russian Nuclear Orthodoxy in the Age of St. Seraphim

Dmitry Adamsky’s outstanding Russian Nuclear Orthodoxy explains the religious imagination that has swept not only through the Russian nuclear arsenal since 1991, but also into all levels of the country’s nuclear tirade, military forces, and even Russian foreign policy more broadly.

The Embattled Ecumenical Patriarch Caught Between Russia and Turkey

What on the surface seems simply an esoteric argument over ecclesiastical jurisdiction is anything but. At the heart of the schism lie the ideological underpinnings for Putin’s new nationalism, and its violent manifestations in eastern Ukraine and Crimea.

US Russia Alliance Why Russia Can’t Be America’s Ally: What Putin Doesn’t Want You to Know About Moscow’s Persecution of Christians and Covert Support for Radical Islamists
Why Russia Can’t Be America’s Ally: What Putin Doesn’t Want You to Know About Moscow’s Persecution of Christians and Covert Support for Radical Islamists

The growing trend among conservatives to support Putin’s Russia is problematic because Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) engage in activities that run directly contrary to U.S. national security objectives, values of Western civilization writ large, and teaching of Christian scripture.

Russian Orthodox Church
Russian Orthodox Church’s Flawed Syria Policy

Vladimir Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church clearly have a close relationship, but their foreign policy in Syria is flawed.