South Korea

The World Finally Sees Xi’s China as It Is
The World Finally Sees Xi’s China as It Is

After years of wishful thinking, America and its allies in the Indo-Pacific are returning, finally, to what President Franklin Roosevelt called “armed defense of democratic existence.” Given Beijing’s actions both at home and abroad, one wonders what took them so long.

The “Good Old Days”: Comparing 1968 and 2020

Our world is broken and bending toward chaos, as it was in 1968, as it has been since the Fall, as it will be until Christ returns to make all things new.

What Christians Must Remember about Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control
What Christians Must Remember about Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control

Three decades after the Cold War’s end, do we still need a nuclear arsenal today? Edward Ifft thinks not and in Christianity Today urges his fellow Christians to believe likewise. Peter Feaver, William Inboden, and Michael Singh disagree.

The American Missions in Korea: Complete Success, Completely Forgotten
The American Missions in Korea: Complete Success, Completely Forgotten

The American-led Protestant missions in Korea achieved perhaps the most rapid and complete transformation of a nation in the history of Christianity, but they disappeared into almost complete obscurity by the time that the Korean War forced Americans to pay attention to Korea.

The Enduring Legacy of US-Japan Alliance

The US-Japan alliance has been the cornerstone of regional stability enabling Washington’s forward-deployed presence and deterrence strategy.

After Historic Walk into North Korea, Trump Must Continue Sanctions
After Historic Walk into North Korea, Trump Must Continue Sanctions

When we see those striking images of President Trump standing beside Kim Jong-un, we are not looking at a great American achievement. We are looking at a concession.

Cold War Lessons for Today
Cold War Lessons for Today

As we look out at the world today, Americans need to recount the lessons of the Cold War that Gaddis helpfully brings to our attention.

Organ Failure: The United Nations’ Case against the UN
Organ Failure: The UN’s Case against the UN

The United Nations has failed to do what it was created to do—“promote the establishment and maintenance of international peace and security.”

What to Expect from the Inter-Korean Summit
What to Expect from the Inter-Korean Summit

The US and South Korea should have contingencies ready in case negotiations with North Korea don’t go as planned.