The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.
Alison HolcombMarch 27, 2024
There is a fundamental ambiguity in the ability of humans to both good and evil
James RowellJuly 6, 2023
Review of Hillsdale professor Brad Birzer’s book on Christian humanism
Michael LuccheseJune 6, 2023
We need to become outposts of intellectual seriousness and Christian virtue and moral sanity that expose the darkness of our generation.
Joseph LoconteMay 30, 2023
The latest cinematic reimagining of Tolkien’s universe suggests surprising depth, presenting high adventure with ideas of enduring import
Marc LiVeccheSeptember 9, 2022
The family is essential to the spiritual health of the nation: reflections on character, kingdoms, and hope
Marc LiVeccheMarch 21, 2021