
Justice for War Crimes | Jus Post Bellum Series, Part 4
Justice for War Crimes | Jus Post Bellum Series, Part 4

When we bandy about “war crimes,” “assassination,” and other terms, we ought to consider what we are talking about and, if appropriate, what the available mechanisms for justice are.

The Power of Real Heroism - Volodymyr Zelensky - Ukraine
The Power of Real Heroism

In an age when the word hero is conflated with and attached to movie stars and athletes and people who risk nothing of consequence, it’s bracing to watch—even from afar—true heroes and true heroism in action.

The West’s Response to Genocide - Russia - Ukraine - Putin
The West’s Response to Genocide

Mass moral atrocities and genocidal tendencies have not lessened with the supposed end of the Cold War. If anything, they have increased.

Pray for these Russians

So now I will pray for all Russian dissenters, who are in great peril. And I will pray for Vladimir Putin, too.

Orthodox Geopolitics and American National Security - Russia - Ukraine - Church -War
Orthodox Geopolitics and American National Security

As the world turns its attention to Ukraine, the important but often neglected issue of Orthodox Christian geopolitics has received renewed interest from Western media.

People Displaced: Then and Now
Displaced Persons, from 1946–47 Germany to Today

Seventy-five years ago, Cynthia Nash wrote about displaced persons in occupied Germany who could not return home after the Second World War.

Democratic Peace Theory and the Attack on Democracy

That Russia’s invasion should have come as a surprise attack largely derives from the idealistic excess of the democratic peace theory.

Punishment and Restitution after the Russia-Ukraine War | Jus Post Bellum Series, Part 3
Punishment and Restitution after the Russia-Ukraine War | Jus Post Bellum Series, Part 3

Jus post bellum justice provides us with two criteria: holding aggressors responsible (punishment) and providing some form of restoration to victims (restitution). The reality of our time suggests a very limited justice.

Pope Francis on Just War and Ukraine

Does the Catholic Church still believe in the doctrine of just war? Last week, Pope Francis told Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church, “At one time we also spoke in our churches of holy war or just war. Today we cannot speak like that.”