War on Terror

Electronic Warfare

Videogames today increasingly seek to enlist a new generation of keyboard warriors and toy soldiers.

Duty and Faith

Elizabeth always continued on – duty, faith, and family at the heart of her mission. While Western Europe lost its faith, she held fast.

Neither World War II nor Vietnam: 9/11 and the New Paradigms of War
Neither World War II nor Vietnam: 9/11 and the New Paradigms of War

In her 2003 book Just War Against Terror, Jean Bethke Elshtain argued for a new paradigm for a just war: the fight against global terrorism, particularly terrorism perpetrated by followers of militant Islam. Twenty years after 9/11, this claim is due for revisiting.

America’s Afghanistan Withdrawal: The Rhymes and Lessons of History
America’s Afghanistan Withdrawal: The Rhymes and Lessons of History

History may not repeat itself, as Mark Twain is credited with saying, but it does indeed rhyme sometimes. Sadly, the American people and their leaders are not interested in the rhymes or lessons of history.

Beware Playing the Counterterrorism Game at Home
Beware Playing the Counterterrorism Game at Home

As shocking as the January 6 lawlessness was, I was surprised how quickly people who should know better switched gears and called for some version of the Global War on Terror to be fought—not on some distant desert or foreign mountain top—but inside America against American citizens.

Lessons Learned, Relearned, and Unlearned in Afghanistan
Lessons Learned, Relearned, and Unlearned in Afghanistan

In the almost-19 years since they dispatched their military to Afghanistan, US policymakers and the people they represent have learned, relearned, and unlearned several lessons.

Here We Go Again and Again - War on Terror - 9/11
Afghanistan and The Taliban: Here We Go Again and Again

If history is any guide, we will regret abandoning Afghanistan (again), trusting the Taliban and disengaging from the world around us.

Rights Abuse: Pompeo’s Commission on Unalienable Rights and the War on Terror
Rights Abuse: Pompeo’s Commission on Unalienable Rights and the War on Terror

If an assessment of and recommitment to human rights protections is the mandate of the Commission on Unalienable Rights, I humbly suggest they study the current status of the most basic rights and lessons to be drawn from the post-9/11 context.

The Price of Cheap Order: Afghanistan, America and Endless War

In fact, this finger-in-the-dam strategy is the best available option given America’s de facto preference to enjoy relative freedom from jihadist violence without the expense of solving the root problems from which jihadism springs. This style of frontier warfare is the price America pays for regional order on the cheap.