“Unless we accept the Russian view of the nature of man, we cannot work with the USSR to a common end for human society.”
Christianity & Crisis MagazineApril 27, 2022
During an address to the US Congress on March 12, 1947, President Harry Truman called for military and economic aid to Turkey and Greece to counter communist threats. This began the Truman Doctrine, and Christian realists responded a month later.
Christianity & Crisis Magazine & John C. Bennett & Mark MeltonApril 21, 2022
Madeleine Albright’s Fascism: A Warning is both cynical and shallow.
Mark R. RoyceMay 25, 2018
Syria—with five million refugees, 500,000 dead, the Pandora’s box of chemical warfare reopened, a cesspool of terror groups, and Russians and Americans, Israelis and Iranians shooting at each other—is the very definition of chaos.
Alan DowdMay 24, 2018
Religious communities are rediscovering their voice, and Miroslav Volf argues the interconnected world is the perfect platform for the world religions to reclaim their original messages of universality and human flourishing.
Joshua CayetanoJuly 17, 2017
In a world where might makes right, it is the U.S. military—not international treaties, presidential speeches, UN resolutions, protest marches, Wall Street, or Wal-Mart—that protects us from enemies who would either stamp out all faiths or force submission to one faith.
Alan DowdJuly 3, 2017
In 1942, Christianity & Crisis argues the importance of preserving and incorporating smaller nation-states when reconstructing Europe after World War II.
Christianity & Crisis MagazineMay 26, 2017