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Just Intelligence, Just Surveillance, & the Least Intrusive Standard
Just Intelligence, Just Surveillance, & the Least Intrusive Standard

Over the last ten years, scholars have shown deeper interest in applying the just war tradition to the extra bellum realm, especially to intelligence collection and surveillance.

Obama’s Final UN Speech Fails to Provide a Vision of U.S. Leadership
Obama’s Final UN Speech Fails to Provide a Vision of U.S. Leadership

Obama delivered his final United Nations speech, challenging people to contemplate the successes of the previous eight years. Yet, while providing admirable aspirations for a world slipping into chaos, Obama failed to provide a vision of U.S. leadership that would address the oncoming challenges.

A Christian Declaration on American Foreign Policy
A Christian Declaration on American Foreign Policy

We believe it is our responsibility to speak out at this time in order to provide a much-needed corrective to the current foreign policy debate.

Preview Obama Final UN Speech
A Preview to Obama’s Final UN Speech

Barack Obama makes the final appearance of his presidency today before the UN General Assembly. As we evaluate this address, consider this assessment of his September 2009 UN speech.

Will the European Union Fail? Economists’ Contrasting Forecasts
Will the European Union Fail? Economists’ Contrasting Forecasts

Debates about whether the European Union will fail have often occurred in intellectual silos. Thankfully, AEI hosted a panel of economists who presented and defended their contrasting forecasts about the EU’s future.

Baneful Foe Foreign Influence White House Trump Clinton
A Baneful Foe: Foreign Influence in the White House

Alexander Hamilton argued in Federalist #68 that given “the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils,” the Constitution should erect “every practicable obstacle” to prevent such “intrigue and corruption.”

Hidden Economic Opportunities Brexit
The Hidden Economic Opportunities of Brexit

We have been led to believe Brexit is leading the United Kingdom toward the precipice of economic self-destruction in a…

Burkini Ban
Empiricism and the Burkini Ban

The most telling aspect of the events surrounding France’s burkini ban was the response by European observers.

William Inboden Dark Days Niebuhr
William Inboden’s “Dark Days”: The Use and Abuse of Niebuhr in the Current Campaign

Inboden’s essay in War on the Rocks, “Dark Days: Trump, Christianity, and a Low Dishonest Decade,” has garnered a great deal of attention, but has not, as far as I can tell, been answered in print.