David Shedd

David R. Shedd held a variety of top level positions in the U.S. intelligence community including as acting director of the Defense Intelligence Agency until January 2015, when he retired from government service after nearly 33 years. He is now a national security consultant, a visiting distinguished fellow in the Heritage Foundation’s Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy, and Adjunct Professor at Patrick Henry College.

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David Shedd Christianity and National Security 2017: Christianity & Espionage

The following lecture was recorded during Providence’s 2017 Christianity and National Security Conference. David Shedd underscores the relationship between intelligence…

Intelligence Open Society Book Review Darrell Cole Just War and the Ethics of Espionage
Intelligence in an Open Society

Cole’s Just War and the Ethics of Espionage takes readers deep into the labyrinth of ethical challenges in what the author argues is a necessary activity that prevents escalatory conflicts and protects the citizenry of a nation.

Either We Understand & Live Out Our Beliefs, or We Lose

What you believe is inexorably linked to how you behave. The United States must understand and live out what it believes if it is to defeat the Islamic State.

Syrian Refugee
Compassion & Security in Tension

Another post to “Response & Responsibility: A Symposium on the Syrian Refugee Crisis