Tim Milosch

Tim Milosch is a lecturer in the Political Science Department at Biola University and a faculty fellow with Braver Angels’ College Debates and Discourse Alliance.  He completed his doctoral studies at Claremont Graduate University in 2022 where he did research on the effects of political cultures on international crises. He currently teaches courses on international affairs and national security at Biola and writes about those subjects even more on Substack at Tim Talks Politics. He’s also been published on Mere Orthodoxy and appeared on The Babylon Bee podcast (to discuss the serious topic of US-China relations).
When not endeavoring to interpret the complex global environment for his students and readers, Tim is generally endeavoring to interpret the complex operational environment of managing a bustling household with his wife and kids. If he had the time, he’d probably start a podcast called “Dad in the Headlights.” Tim’s website is www.timmilosch.com and he’s (barely) on Twitter @TimMilosch. Really it’s probably just better if you send an email to tmilosch (at) gmail.com.

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Our Political Theology Shouldn’t Start at Romans 13

Romans 13 is an important scripture in political theology, but it is not the only relevant scripture for Christians in politics

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