Tugba Tanyeri-Erdemir is a nonresident scholar at the Middle East Institute and a research associate at the University of Pittsburgh’s Anthropology Department. She is the coordinator of the Anti-Defamation League’s Task Force on Middle East Minorities and the co-chair of the Middle East Working Group of the International Religious Freedom Roundtable. @TurkishFacade
While religious minorities go back and forth between being scapegoats and props, Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu has demonstrated that municipalities can play a key role in making their religious minority residents feel welcome as equal citizens and valued stakeholders.
Aykan Erdemir & Tugba Tanyeri-ErdemirDecember 15, 2021
In this episode, Mark Melton speaks with Tugba Tanyeri-Erdemir and Aykan Erdemir about religious freedom issues in Turkey.
Tugba Tanyeri-Erdemir & Aykan Erdemir & Mark MeltonSeptember 10, 2021
Given the Turkish government’s particularly troubling conduct in 2020, Secretary of State Antony Blinken should deliver an honest message about the alarming trajectory of religious freedoms in Turkey.
Aykan Erdemir & Tugba Tanyeri-ErdemirJune 3, 2021
The conquest mentality that has shaped the Turkish government’s Hagia Sophia policy and rhetoric not only puts the sacred heritage of Turkey’s religious minorities at risk, but also threatens their lives.
Aykan Erdemir & Tugba Tanyeri-ErdemirJuly 24, 2020
The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) released its 2020 Annual Report and recommended the US government include Turkey on the State Department’s “Special Watch List” for “engaging in or tolerating severe violations of religious freedom.”
Tugba Tanyeri-Erdemir & Aykan ErdemirMay 12, 2020