The Continuing Pacifist Menace: How Pacifists Do Harm
The Continuing Pacifist Menace: How Pacifists Do Harm

This article, highlighting the dangers of pacifism, was originally published in Christianity and Crisis on November 16th, 1942. Editor Henry Sloane Coffin…

Thoughts in Wartime England: In Praise of the British
Thoughts in Wartime England: In Praise of the British

This essay, written by Lynn Harold Hough for Christianity and Crisis on October 19, 1942, praises the quiet strength and steely courage of the British people throughout World War Two.

What You Should Know About Nuclear Weapons
What You Should Know About Nuclear Weapons

The U.S. Defense Department contains an inventory of roughly 7,100 nuclear warheads. About 4,760 are active, while approximately 2,340 warheads are retired, but still intact. The retired warheads are in storage and await dismantlement. Here is what you should know about nuclear weapons:

Our Dual Heritage of Freedom: Reformation & Enlightenment
Our Dual Heritage of Freedom: Reformation & Enlightenment

This article, delineating the two kinds of freedom found in the tradition of Western civilization, was originally published in Christianity and Crisis on October 19th, 1942. Editor Henry P. Van Dusen clarifies the two strands of freedom that have developed in European thought. One comes from the Protestant Reformation, a freedom that comes as a result of being created in God’s image and the rights that entail; the other comes from the Enlightenment, a freedom that is intrinsic to man’s nature and “self-evident,” something that is somehow apparent to all.

The Church in World Wars I and II: Adopting Christian Realism
The Church in World Wars I & II: Adopting Christian Realism

This article about the contrasting attitudes of the Church during World War I and II was originally published in Christianity…

The Churches and the War: Imploring Christian Conscience
The Churches and the War: Imploring Christian Conscience

This article, which might be described as a call to action for the church, was originally published in Christianity and Crisis on September 21, 1942. John C. Bennett challenges the church to avoid an indifferent neutrality in the face of clear evil and human suffering. The Christian conscience must be attuned to the realities of the world, aware that sin inhabits all hearts but that that cannot be used to reject any action.

Flickering Forlorn Hope: The Battle of Bataan
Flickering Forlorn Hope: The Battle of Bataan

Shortly after the Pearl Harbor attack, a joint American and Filipino army desperately defended the Philippines against a Japanese invasion while fighting on both the Bataan Peninsula and Corregidor Island. Despite dim prospects for outside help, the garrison seriously delayed the Japanese timetable for conquest in the Pacific.

The Spirit and the Body in War
The Spirit and the Body in War

This article about the tools necessary to defeat Nazi Germany and the Axis Powers was originally published in Christianity and Crisis on August 10, 1942.  Examining the relationship between ideals and power throughout history, editor Reinhold Niebuhr argues the importance of discerning and then actualizing, the Allied Powers’ potential power. Conversely, he advocates against succumbing to the belief that Nazi defeat is inevitable.

“I Have No Expectation of Success”: The War in the Pacific after Midway
“I Have No Expectation of Success”: The War in the Pacific before and after Midway

Seventy-five years after the Battle of Midway, it is a good time to reflect on the momentous events of that season, and on how quickly the course of history can turn.