Search results for: afghanistan

The Weakness is the Point in American Foreign Policy

The Biden administration’s weakness abroad is part of a targeted appeal to its progressive base at home

The Urgent Task of Restoring American Deterrence

Recent attacks on US soldiers in the Near East prove that a course change in American foreign policy is necessary

Countering Iranian Aggression in Jordan & Beyond

How should America respond to the January 28th attacks on American forces in Jordan by Iranian proxies?

Horseshoe Theory is Now Reality

Since the end of WWII, support for Israel has been a shared consensus on the center-left and right

The Decline of Deterrence

Deterrence is built over decades, but can crumble in an instant. And that instant is now.

Day 8: One for All

The Christmas story suggests that we can somehow try to be loyal members of our nations, our families, our tribes—and…

Day 1: Christmas Gift!

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all! Christmas is a tense morning wherever the Meads gather, as we jump whenever the telephone rings.

The Biden Administration’s Cascading Crises

With every foreign policy failure, America falls further into a negative feedback loop

Towards a More Reasonable Account of American Christian Nationalism

American Christian nationalism is, critics would have us believe, a very scary thing

Ukraine, the U.S., and the Budapest Memorandum

The cost of aiding Ukraine may be high, but the cost of not is probably higher