In this volume, Nathan Scot Hosler looks to Stanley Hauerwas, one of the most outspoken pacifist theologians of our time, as inspiration for contemporary “peacemaking” and “peacebuilding” efforts.
J. Daryl CharlesNovember 2, 2020
Scott McKnight recently posted a blog on Christian realism quoting long sections from Lee Camp’s new manifesto Scandalous Witness. Daniel Strand responds.
Daniel StrandMay 13, 2020
Gregory Boyd’s Crucifixion of the Warrior God attempts to argue that the Old Testament accounts of God’s “violence” are not true portraits of the character of God. In another era, this 1,445-page project would have been called heresy.
J. Daryl CharlesSeptember 19, 2019
The nation-state is certainly a reality and not without its benefits
Barton GingerichJanuary 10, 2019