
Why History & Social Science Cannot Substitute for Classic Fiction

Great literature remains indispensable in the formation of the statesman and the citizen

A Liberalism Worth Saving: What’s Missing From the Debate Over Liberalism

Conservative liberals are increasingly missing from the debate over liberalism, even as liberalism faces some of its most serious challenges.

Apocalypse Now: The Revelations of Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin has found himself living out Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” and Francis Ford Coppola’s “Apocalypse Now.”

HR 1009: Subordinating Military Power to Politics

We can be grateful for Congressman McNerney reminding us that force serves politics and not the other way around.

Virtue & Uvalde

Frightened or not, the good must stand between the innocent and the wolves.

Was Jesus a Pacifist?
Was Jesus a Pacifist?

Against the seemingly gentle assertions of pacifism, those who truly want to love in our world must understand there remains a need of coercion to maintain a minimum of justice and to preserve those innocents whom the unjust would ravage.

Susannah Black & Richard Dreyfuss: A Theopolitical Embroilment

The first of a five-part epistolary exchange between the actor Richard Dreyfuss and Providence associate editor Susannah Black exploring such issues as the potential of civics education to combat the appeal of groups like ISIS, the place of religion in public life, and the roots of the ideas of the American founding.