Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Chemical Attacks: A New Intimidation Tactic Against Women in Iran

Is the Islamic Regime of Iran using toxic chemicals against women for protesting?

God Bless Iran’s Protesting Women

One of Christian civilization’s greatest accomplishments is the legal and social equality of women.

Passing the Baton
Passing the Baton

As the generation that grew up in and saw the collapse of the USSR, Generation X is uniquely positioned to lead the US as it drifts into the second Cold War.

Who Gets Their Limbs Amputated in Iran? Reflection on the Brutal and Inequitable Penal Code of the Islamic Republic
Who Gets Their Limbs Amputated in Iran? Reflection on the Brutal and Inequitable Penal Code of the Islamic Republic

The poor who steal are brutally subjected to hadd punishment, while aghazadehs get let go for embezzling millions in Iran.