Barack Obama

Staying the Course in America’s Longest War - Afghanistan
Staying the Course in America’s Longest War

Talks between the Trump administration and the Taliban have broken down. We should be happy they did not reach a deal, in part because an Iraq-style drawdown would leave a vacuum, and terrorists abhor a vacuum.

Here We Go Again and Again - War on Terror - 9/11
Afghanistan and The Taliban: Here We Go Again and Again

If history is any guide, we will regret abandoning Afghanistan (again), trusting the Taliban and disengaging from the world around us.

The Rhetoric of Freedom

“The Hong Kong thing is a very tough situation. Very tough,” Donald Trump said on Tuesday. “We’ll see what happens….

Cold War Lessons for Today
Cold War Lessons for Today

As we look out at the world today, Americans need to recount the lessons of the Cold War that Gaddis helpfully brings to our attention.

The Crisis in Syria, US Policy and Future Prospects
The Crisis in Syria, US Policy, and Future Prospects

Recently, Robert Nicholson sat down with Ambassador Frederic C. Hof to discuss the tragedy of Syria and American foreign policy in regards to the ongoing crisis.

Absolutism Resurrected: Why We Should Be Cautious of the Expansion of Executive Power under Obama and Trump
Absolutism Resurrected: Why We Should Be Cautious of the Expansion of Executive Power under Obama and Trump

Americans fought a revolution over the exercise of absolute power. We should think long and hard about resurrecting absolutist tendencies in the modern presidency and how we can put the genie back in the bottle.

Legitimate Authority & Just War
Legitimate Authority and Just War

Just war theorists should agree that war must be waged according to the rule of law if it is to be considered an exercise of “legitimate authority.” The American system, with its marbling of war powers between the executive and legislative branches, usually requires authorization based on the deliberative consent of the popular will expressed through the people’s representatives in Congress.

Withdrawal Symptoms: Part 2 of the Decline of Democracy Series
Withdrawal Symptoms: Part 2 of the Decline of Democracy Series

When it comes to democracy promotion, it seems the Obama-Trump era is the aberration.

Outlawing Indifference: Elie Wiesel Act Arms US to Combat Genocide
Outlawing Indifference: Elie Wiesel Act Arms US to Combat Genocide

The US has reached a milestone in overcoming indifference and realizing Elie Wiesel’s vision of vigilant leadership in the fight against genocide.