Charles Krauthammer

Liberal Internationalism vs “Democratic Realism,” 20 Years Later 

30 years after Charles Krauthammer’s “Democratic Realism”, his pragmatic internationalism is needed more than ever

The Great Theological Debate of our Age: Science-ishm and Healthiness during the Pandemic
The Great Theological Debate of our Age: Science-ishm and Healthiness during the Pandemic

Worship of a new deity, “Healthiness,” has only a passing resemblance to actual health. This new god is part of a small pantheon that centers around the chief deity, a “Science” that supposedly holds the key to understanding everything in the universe, from morality to medicine.

COVID-19 and Future World Order
COVID-19 and Future World Order

While it is still too early to ascertain the COVID-19 pandemic’s damage to our country and the world, it is already evident that the crisis will result in structural changes within and among countries.

Coruscatingly Brilliant: A Tribute to Charles Krauthammer
Coruscatingly Brilliant: A Tribute to Charles Krauthammer

Defined as sparkling, giving off shafts of light, “coruscatingly brilliant” applies in every sense to the writing and the personal demeanor of Charles Krauthammer.

The Libya Intervention: A Just War Unjustly Disowned
The Libya Intervention: A Just War Unjustly Disowned

It is said that victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan. In the case of NATO’s military intervention in Libya six years ago, both sides of the adage seem to apply.

President Obama Israel United Nations Palestine West Bank
Today We Joined the Jackals: Obama Ignores Middle East Chaos, Targets Jews

This Christmas Eve, two billion Christians around the world are reveling in the promise of peace on earth and goodwill toward men. What the United States of America just did at the United Nations does nothing for either cause.

Israel Independence Day Yom Ha’atzmaut
America and Israel’s Independence

Yom Ha’atzmaut marks the return of the Jewish people to national sovereignty after 2,000 years in exile. It’s a way of expressing solidarity with, and a Jewish connection to, the land and the State of Israel.