
To Challenge China, America Must Believe in Itself Again
To Challenge China, America Must Believe in Itself Again

China can only be substantively challenged by a United States that is fully aware of what the Founders sought to offer the world through enshrining their fervent hope for shared and mutually defended liberty and equality for all.

Kazakhstan’s Troubles Are Putin’s Newest Playground
Kazakhstan’s Troubles Are Putin’s Newest Playground

Russia’s play for influence in Central Asia is a wake-up call to the free world.

Counter China’s Devious Human Rights Propaganda - South-South Human Rights Forum
Counter China’s Devious Human Rights Propaganda

Liberal democracies have done virtually nothing to counter China’s human rights propaganda, by which the Chinese Communist Party ruthlessly appropriates the concept of human rights to promote its version of Marxist ideology and glamorize its hegemonic global ambitions.

Tibet’s Climate Crisis and the CCP’s Responsibility
Tibet’s Climate Crisis and the CCP’s Responsibility

The Chinese Communist Party not only governs Tibet but also exploits the region as a dumping ground for toxic waste. And it has failed to provide Tibet with the resources needed to protect its fragile ecosystem and unique biome.

Look to Ebenezer: Historical Hope as Advent Turns into Christmas
Look to Ebenezer: Historical Hope as Advent Ends and Christmas Begins

This remembrance helps develop a confident, enduring Christian hope that is more than wishful thinking and leads to real-world action.

A Colonel, a Kid, and a Christmas Story - NORAD - Harry Shoup
A Colonel, a Kid, and a Christmas Story

Shoup’s actions during Christmastime 1955 offer an un-planned, un-staged snapshot of a political system and world view strikingly different from that of Lenin, Stalin, and Xi—a system founded on the freedom to believe in God or Santa or not, to believe in the meaning of Christmas or not, to believe in Immanuel or not.

The World Confronts Modern Slavery, Offering Hope
The World Confronts Modern Slavery, Offering Hope

The common thread across these scenarios is the use of force, fraud, or coercion to keep victims under control and extract profit. This is the defining feature of human trafficking. Fortunately, these heartbreaking, uncivilized practices no longer go unnoticed.

This Advent: Hope for Americans and the World
This Advent: Hope for Americans and the World

During this season of Advent, the patriotic American citizen can find much for which to be hopeful. For the American Christian, we are reminded of our ultimate reason for hope.

Hope for Human Rights despite China’s Threats
Hope for Human Rights despite China’s Threats

Here is the bad news for Beijing, and the good news for the West. Despite genuine concerns over how an increasingly multipolar world will erode the human rights consensus, the agenda still remains a major obstacle to ideological competitors—both at home and abroad.