Christian Realism

On Earth as it is in Heaven?

Contemporary debates over ‘Christian nationalism’ have surprising roots in 17th century debates over republicanism versus monarchism.

Navigating the Scylla and Charybdis: Paul Ramsey and Contemporary Political Theology

Paul Ramsey was among the greatest theologians of the 20th century and we are in sore need of his ideas today

Whittaker Chambers’ Lenten Faith

What the struggle against 20th century totalitarianism can teach Christians about walking in faith today.

Christian Realism & the Iraq War

A statecraft dreaming that a great nation can be in the world but not of it is both hubristic and self-righteous.

Christian Realism as a Remedy for Polarization

Reinhold Niebuhr’s philosophy of Christian realism may hold the keys to addressing polarization in the West.

Law and Just War Tradition: Passing HR 1009

Though soldiers and military leaders are bound by Just War Tradition (JWT), members of Congress and civilian leaders are not. The passage of HR 1009, is one step toward bridging this gap. 

Two Cheers for McNerney’s Just War Resolution

American thinking has often been shaped by Just War Theory, if implicitly. Last year, Congressman Jerry McNerney (D-CA) introduced HR 1009 that clarifies and makes explicit the American commitment to the just war tradition. 

Ukraine after One Year: A Sober Assessment

After years of appeasement and failing to reckon with a reborn Russian imperialism, the U.S. and NATO nations are awaking from their moral and military slumber.

Just War 101 — E4: Spurs and Restraints: Overview of the JAB and the JIB

As should already be clear from this series’ first three essays (here, here, and here), the Christian realist just war…

 ⏰ Sponsor a student for Christianity & National Security 2024

Providence's biggest event of the year takes place the final Thursday and Friday of each October, attracting close to 100 students and professors from around the country to spend two days hearing lectures and discussing the intersection of Christian ethics and foreign policy. For $300, Providence can afford to feed and house a student flying in from California, Texas, and other parts of the country for the conference. Christianity & National Security is unique; there is no other such event examining national security in light of Just War Theory and realist ethics in the Christian tradition. Please consider making a donation to allow us to continue hosting Christianity & National Security.

Christianity & National Security 2023

Sponsor a student