Civil Religion

Towards a More Reasonable Account of American Christian Nationalism

American Christian nationalism is, critics would have us believe, a very scary thing

God & Freedom Conservatism

We know liberty’s Author without specific citation. 

A Christian Exhortation to American Citizens

Richard Mouw is an American, and he loves his country the most, according to his newly released How to be a Patriotic Christian: Love of Country as Love of Neighbor.

An Aquinas Americans Can Reason With

Thomism and liberalism are not hopeless enemies: a review of The Christian Structure of Politics: On the De Regno of Thomas Aquinas

John Foster Dulles, God & America

Dulles had a vision of American foreign policy that was animated by a strong sense of righteousness over tyranny and over injustice and unrighteous.

Babelic America? A Response to Paul D. Miller
Babelic America? A Response to Paul D. Miller

I am grateful to Paul D. Miller for his recent review of “Between Babel and Beast.” Some of his criticisms hit home, some miss the mark. I respond to a few.

The Delightful Heresy of Jacksonianism
The Delightful Heresy of Jacksonianism

Christians should remember this: any political theology that treats its own people as a divinely chosen political community treads on heretical soil.

An Exceptional Crisis: Book Review of John D. Wilsey’s American Exceptionalism and Civil Religion: Reassessing the History of an Idea
An Exceptional Crisis: Review of Wilsey’s American Exceptionalism and Civil Religion

John D. Wilsey’s American Exceptionalism and Civil Religion is a genuinely excellent book, but our national problems may be deeper and more profound—more exceptional—than he realizes.

The Future of American Civil Religion
The Future of American Civil Religion

We ought to denounce the alignment of America with God’s salvific work even while appreciating the many blessings that America and its ideals have brought to us and the world.